Name the Great Horned Owl Babies from the Historic Bow Valley Ranche Contest

Howdy Elementary Schools and Students in Alberta from Alberta’s History Wrangler!

Students are invited to submit names to their teachers for these two adorable baby Great Horned Owls that were born this spring at the Historic Bow Valley Ranche in Fish Creek Provincial Park.

The school with the winning submission will be treated to either a History Wrangler Road Show visit next fall at the school or at the Historic Bow Valley Ranche. Additionally, the student who chooses the name will receive a special prize!

The deadline for the contest is Friday, June 21st at 4:00 pm and the winning school will be announced Monday, June 24th!

Young students decided in 1977 that the Great Horned Owl would be Alberta’s Official Bird and as such it makes this contest extra special.

I would like to thank Arlene Vernon for taking the wonderful photos of the baby owls.

Contest Entry!

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